Saturday, July 26, 2008

Know This Person?

I am looking for someone for work, does this sound like anyone (anyone in the world) you know (know of)?

What are we looking for... Well, the school has "supporting pillars" for our mission statement, perhaps that's a place to start. The mission goes: "To educate and train the theatre artists who will become the collaborators, innovators, and leaders of our profession, committed to the enrichment of diverse communities." and the pillars are Education, Leadership, Experimentation, Diversity, & Community.

So I guess if there were a scorecard, candidates would score highly on each of those five indexes.

Also this needs to be someone with some name recognition, either Domestically or Internationally within the theatre community.

Less celestially, we are looking for a strong leader (as we're a herd of cats, if there isn't a more Brownian motion animal available), someone "connected" to some aspect of the industry on the bleeding edge (so as to be able to bring excellent people to our community), someone who is a strong manager (as there is no "managing director" analog in our management structure - this person has to be the ideas and the brains), someone who is a proven strong fund raiser (as that is fortunately or unfortunately a large portion of the job description), someone who has at least some small previous education experience (because we are a school), and someone who is personable (there are a wide range of people this person has to engender good feelings in with relatively short exposure).

Perhaps more interestingly... We don't have a producing/theatre management program, so someone that brings that experience is bringing us something we can't already provide. Our directing program is in the midst of a fairly heavy turnover, as is the grad playwriting program, and the Sound Design & Dramaturgy programs are still fairly embryonic; the new head will wield very real influence on the development in these areas (moreso than where we are either very established or very facultied up). The university is very interested in fostering "Art & Technology" efforts, so someone with a vested interest in technology (in the broadest possible definition) would be a natural fit.

Those are the broad strokes I think.
If it does, get me the name - make me a hero!

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