Saturday, April 04, 2009

RIP Derek Reese

What does it mean when your entire blog becomes about The Sarah Connor Chronicles? It could mean that things are such at work that most of what consumes you is not really fit for public discussion. There's probably some of that. It could mean that you don't think people would really be interested in the actual nuts and bolts of "how're you doing?" in the aftermath of your mother's passing. That might make a decent "This American Life" episode one day, but isn't much for day to day blogging: "couldn't sleep, again..." Often a lack of blogging reflects a certain stunned state where it just becomes difficult to do anything. There's definitely some of that.

Or maybe it just means that SCC is a rockin good TV show.

If you remember last time, and it would be hard not to because there's been so little here that it hasn't worked it's way off the page yet, I speculated about just what was going on with John Henry, and were we perhaps mislead about the nature of that AI. This week reinforced that notion some when we were informed by someone in the know that John Henry's future was all of our future. Now, that could have been maniacal monologueing, but in this case I am going to take it at face value and stand firmly on the ground I first staked out saying things are more complicated than they seem.

Then, they killed a major character with absolutely no fanfare. Which sucks a little because as a child of the 80's I was real happy to see Brian Austen Green getting to work, and getting such a good character. But then, there he was with a bullethole in his forehead and then a coroner's report just a few minutes later in case you thought maybe he wasn't dead - or that maybe he'd never been alive. Just one second he's there and the next, poof, he's gone. Damn.

With the deaths over the last three weeks, and adding last night's arrest they really are isolating John and Cameron. All of a sudden the little detail of if Derek really shot Jessie is actually not that little at all. Really I can't wait to see where it goes.

And a little bit more every week I think I will be upset if FOX doesn't keep the story going.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh i know i can't believe they killed Derek! so sad! And it seems like Cameron was insinuating that Sarah does have breast cancer with that whole "she has lost weight" bit. Anyway im glad to see that people are sad about Derek, I certainly am.

Purple Crayon said...

Wow, am I bummed. I can't remember EVER being this disappointed at a TV character's death (and I'm a big fan of 24 and Lost, so I've seen a lot of them!). Brian Austin Green did a FANTASTIC job in this role, and with him gone I don't really care if TSCC is canceled. If it's renewed, it won't be the same.

I'll applaud the writers for their willingness to shock the audience, but this one was just too much. Look at how much time and effort they they put into the deaths of Riley, Charlie (especially), and even Jessie, compared to Derek.

Riley had a great confrontation scene with a nicely done fight scene, and her death reverberated for a few episodes. John even visited her in the morgue.

Charlie went down in a blaze of glory (slow motion, if I recall) heroically protecting John. Finding him floating in the water was a shock, but I appreciated that whole story.

The Jessie scene was really good, too. I was gripped by the "will he or won't he" aspect as Derek talked to her in the parking deck, and then when she ran, he raised his gun... squeezed the tigger... but they never showed the shot. Very dramatic. That was another well-done scene.

So to have done all that, then write a scene which was basically "Derek rounds the corner and gets shot in the head" was unconscionable. I would have had more respect if Derek had turned his gun on himself after shooting Jessie. Or at least he could have gone like Charlie.

I think TSCC is one of the best things on TV, but this will stain it forever. My only hope is that some bright TV exec will decide to cast Brian Austin Green on 24 as the replacement for Jack Bauer. Now there's a character that's ready to be put out to pasture.