Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stop Everything

iPhone iTunes Store

Here's an iPhone App I would like someone to get on. It would be called "Stop Everything" and it would do that.

For reasons beyond understanding the battery life on my phone is really very unpredictable. When I ask all the other iPhone toting people around me they all seem to think that "it's probably doing something in the background." That's after they ask if it is pushing email (which it isn't) or if Bluetooth is enabled (which it isn't either).

I have this suspicion that the culprit is actually the wifi at work. I think the phone is acquiring and dropping and acquiring and dropping all day long and that each time it does that it looks for the 3G and then authenticates with the wifi and then looks for the 3G and then authenticates with the wifi. And that all that churning uses juice.

If I am right then the answer might just be to disable the wifi. But what's the point of having wifi if you can't turn it on?

Now I had been under the impression that the iPhone build I have actually doesn't do anything in the background. Isn't that one of the touted features of the next release? But maybe it does, or maybe when you start something and then click away, perhaps it finishes what you started. More than once I have unlocked the phone to find the iTunes player going - which I can only imagine is a result of my randomly pushing an intricate series of fingerstrokes in my pocket, without putting my hand in my pocket. But I digress.

So if it is possible that the thing is running apps in the background, keeping track of my location on a map, or playing tunes, or searing for movies or whatever it's doing, I would really like a button that just says "STOP EVERYTHING!" Becuase as it is you have to go from app to app hoping to find something that looks like it is being the Dracula to your battery. I don't know about you, but I never really think I find anything.

Or, maybe the case is always pressing a button. Hmm.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The G1 has an app that does that. . . Surely there's something comparable for the iphone since they seem to have essentially the same apps available. . .