The weekend is over, back on your heads. Day three of jumble crits.
We'll start with Grad2 PM/SM Calvin:
Calvin had Rigging, Costumes, and Electrics this semester. Fairly well rounded for grad school.
Junior PM/SM Liz:
Liz demonstrates for us that perhaps black is no longer a good semester review wardrobe choice now that we have the black board covers. Sort of like a weatherman with a chroma-key green tie.
Junior PM/SM Chris:
I guess I really need to figure out a way to get juniors in a class.
Grad2 TD Tom:
Tom sounds like he's finally found someone to take over his long standing carnival responsibilities, which is good because next spring wants to be all about thesis.
Junior PM/SM David:
Is also a junior, so I have little to say, but really drives home that black outfit message. David tried to do a show this semester without hardcopy. I should have had him talk to Ben, who always said computers and email don't make less paper, they make more.
Sophomore LX/TD Robert:
Robert lamented a lack of time in the shop. We'll have to do something about that.
Sophomore PM/SM Brian:
Would you look at that smile, that might be a little demented. I wonder what he was thinking.
Grad2 PM/SM Devorah:
Again with the black outfit. Devorah is heading into a real busy third year, SMing the first mainstage and then thesis, thesis, and more thesis.
Last up will be seniors and grad3 thesis (although I missed the opportunity to photograph one each a senior and grad3 who reviewed early - bummer).