Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Well, the Steelers didn't really impress on the first outing... I did the walk to work thing, followed by the walk home thing. Have to see if I can make it stick... They sure jammed through that NC Marriage Amendment, didn't they? I continue to winder what these folks are afraid of... We finally got our scaffolding. Only took like three months... I added Best Week Ever to my RSS feeds. I'm happy with that decision... We still have an extra cat. Email me if you'd like to adopt her... That debate the other night, I had to stop watching... Speaking of, if there was going to be a debate so soon after the last one, was it really necessary for the President to reschedule his speech? Just asking... Thinking about a new computer. Also thinking of waiting for Windows 8... Looking to build a mailing list for the Weekly Greenpage Mailer. If you are interested, please let me know... I read a thing yesterday that suggested that the California State University system is pretty much a state school in name only... The end of Torchwood was kind of a letdown, or at least abrupt... Considering contributing to Elizabeth Warren's Senate Campaign. You should too... The end of the True Blood season left us pretty much where we were at the end of last season I think, minus Tera (or maybe not)... Thinking of bringing some Dinosaurs to the Pittsburgh Maker event. If I can remember to apply... It's great when you can get things that are full of angst behind you... I have a fantasy football team, but its on a new system and I don't know what I am doing... I think the house is just about finished (or at least we're pretty much to the end of what we planned)... I wish I could fix the Loudtwitter thing. Maybe I will turn it off for a while... Watching all of SportsNight on Netflix. Having a complete TV series available for streaming could be a very serious productivity problem... One of my mentors had a heart attack this weekend. I hope he's feeling better... Think I've just about got the TD3 schedule figured out: Flyspace, Arduino, 3D Printer. Might need one or two more things... If the House Republicans renege on the August deal I think I might just lose my shit...

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