Sunday, April 01, 2012

USITT Ellipses...

Long Beach sure has changed a bunch since we were last there, at least right around the expo center...  We redid our booth top to bottom this year.  That was sure a big TV...  I did the knot tying session again.  Feels like maybe it is time to freshen it up some...  It costs $130 to go from Long Beach to the Valley in a cab.  It only costs $400 to go from Pittsburgh to LA in a plane.  There's something wrong there I think...  There certainly are a few prospective graduate costume designers out there in the world...  Chicago Flyhouse had some t-shirts that, well, they weren't at all subtle...  We took the CMU Booze & Schmooze way way way offsite, but I think it was well worth it...  Even though there's been a whole lot of step up from commercial entities within the institute, it still isn't the folks I was hoping to see...  Note to self, when volunteering to cover someone else's meeting, get the meeting time first, else you will find yourself standing in front of a group at the first meeting of the day...  It seems like possibly several of the Stage Management types that go to the conference don't really get to enjoy the conference...  The largest component of my contribution to the "Rigging Without a Grid" session appears to have been comic relief...  I visited an office that had like a dozen former students working in it...  The demographic of the commission leadership sure has shifted...  Lots of schools expanding their presence from a table to a double table, or even to a 10x10...  With no supervision I tend to overdo it at the BBQ restaurant...  Every year at the CMU Reception I know more people and every year at the Yale Reception I know less people...  Renting A/V gear doesn't get you electricity, it also doesn't get your TV from the dock to your booth...  The Super Shuttle doesn't leave the airport until it's full...  Seemed like every time I bought a soda it got a little more expensive...  I went to a session about giving technical assignments.  It made me feel pretty good about my assignments...  A decade ago I had to buy sunglasses at the Long Beach USITT, and then I had to buy sunglasses again this time...  I forgot to have lunch at the aquarium...  Didn't get to play cards this time...

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