Sunday, November 12, 2006


So I gave this assignment to my Production Planning class via email when I had to cancel because of an illness. For some reason it seems to be incomprehensible. I can't tell why...

I am sorry to say that I have been sidelined by a fairly nasty stomach virus or something. So I am going to have to cancel class tomorrow. In lieu of meeting I would like to give you what I hope is an 80 minute assignment covering the same topic. Class tomorrow was scheduled to be about information distribution, memos and email.

Please locate an article from a newspaper or magazine, offline or on, about information distribution within a project group. Read the article and then write a one page summary explaining:

  1. what the article was saying
  2. what the main points were
  3. how this advice would work/fit within the kind of environment we’ve been discussing
  4. your opinion of the argument
  5. proper MLA citation of the piece you read.

This will be worth 10 points and will replace any existing 10 points worth of homework (applied to a single assignment).

Please submit this assignment by email, to me, by the end of the day Friday. I will then cobble together everyone’s work into a memo/email guide that should be at least as informative as my lecture would have been and redistribute it to the class for your use.

I apologize again for having to cancel class. I hope I will see you Monday.

They were supposed to find an article about email or memos in a project group situation and write a summary. Is it really that confusing?


Katy said...

I don't think that it is confusing, but is there such a thing as an article about email and memo distribution within project groups? That doesn't sound like something you could find an article on. I'm just saying. But I also didn't try to find one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah - just check out, and you'll find a *million* of 'em - communicating effectively through email is one of their favorite topics over there - and, geek that I am, I read them all... =)

Anonymous said...

Do IM conversations with government interns count?

Anonymous said...

I'm just feeling sorry for the kids in college today who don't get the benefit of a day off when their prof is feeling blah. Back when I was in college, those sorts of days were sprinkled like jewels throughout the year and it was always a nice surprise when it happened-- an unexpected chance to get caught up before more work came along.

So are college kids these days required to check their e-mail every day or something? I'm just thinking about my own life where I sometimes ignore the computer for a few days at a time. If my professor was zapping assignments to me over the internet, I might end up missing one.

David said...

I think that I would like to just let them have the day too, but I also have done the math and realize they are paying more than something like $250/hour for the classes and my canceling one doesn't make another worth more.

People in the Drama School are required to check their email 3 times a day. It's replaced the call board for rehearsal and production information, and all production information that would previously have gone as paper memos now goes as email as well. We're a really interconnected culture here.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how well I would fare in this brave new college world. I can remember back at UT, there were days when I had one class in the morning and then I'd take my books out to the lake for the afternoon and be completely cut off from the world. I couldn't do that if I had to constantly be checking my e-mail all day for assignments and memos and whatnot.

I like technology but I really hate being shackled to it.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that nobody worked on a project about information distribution within a group due to a failure at some level of information distribution within a group.

Anonymous said...

I think it makes sense, and it seems to be a good assignment. All I hope is that no one yelled at you later for not coming to class because they didn't check their e-mail.

As a side note-I'm looking for more challenges, so if something interesting comes along, let me know!
