Thursday, January 11, 2007

No, No, Can't Make Me!

Who is it that I see about getting another week of vacation? We're back to work Monday and really I just feel like I could use a little more time. In the lingo: "I believe it is pedagogically necessary for me to have seven more days of recuperation."

I know this because I am really not getting anywhere on my list. There's this thing I am supposed to have done for a conference - done last Friday as a matter of fact. Is it finished? No. Stagecraft, Basic PTM, Computer Apps AutoCAD, Rigging Seminar, PTM Thesis syllibi, complete? No. Progress on the semester three PTM class? Zip. Schedule for next mini's stagecraft calls? Nope. Assignments and lecture notes for the first week of class? Um, no. Any progress on the grant proposals? Not really. Meet about a DP Showcase website? Almost, but no.

There seems to be quite a bit to do.

But if I'd been doing that stuff, it'd hardly be vacation, would it?

I did laundry. I suppose that's something. I connected the cable to my video card. But I can't get the sound to work. I was going to reconfigure the laundry room, clean up the garage, buy the whiz-bang catbox and install it, read the GTD book, put up some hooks, scan some family photos, finish raking the leaves...

But if I'd been doing that stuff, it wouldn't really be vacation then either, no?

Frankly the way things have been going I have been thrilled to be dressed by sundown. But I guess I ought to gear up a little more than that or I will either have to cancel class or teach in my pajamas, which I don't think would be all that disruptive, but the walk from the garage to my office would be very, very cold.

Maybe I should just come up with a real hard project and have all my classes work on it for the first couple of weeks. Thesis doesn't meet until the second mini, so that's one down. Cory is looking for someone to do a survey and drawing of the Gateway Plaza downtown, that almost sounds appropriate for the CAD class. I could have the Rigging class do a "practical" installing Alcina, but that would really only kill a couple of days.

I could have the Basic PTM class watch all of season one of Project Greenlight, and then follow that up with videos of The New Yankee Workshop. It would be different, but I think that would meet many of the goals of that class.

But somehow I think even in the backwater of theatre school I wouldn't get away with that sort of blatant vacation stretching. Which is too bad, because if there was a person to see, I would certainly want to see that person about getting another week of vacation...


Anonymous said...

WHAT?!?!? No MLK day holiday? Oh yeah, I remember that now. Can't you join in a "CMU doesn't celebrate MLK day and that makes me mad" protest? That would give you one more day of vacation.


Anonymous said...

if you get another week off.... take me and joel!!!!!!

