Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Critical Path 2010

Year number four for the Critical Path/Rube Goldberg project. If we checked the scoreboard this morning it would have been 1-1-1. Have to call the first year a tie because they eventually got the thing to work, I think, maybe. Maybe it should be 1-2.

This years group managed to get their machine to run all the way through with maybe 2 minutes left in class; something around the 9th or 10th try. It was a little more difficult to watch because there wasn't really a "front." I guess maybe I need to tweak the instructions to make the thing a little more visual rather than just being about sequential triggering.

Still, all in all a good effort all around.

And more than anything else, people appear to have a good time with the thing.

So now classes are 2-1-1 against the Rube Goldberg challenge. I wonder how they'll do next year.

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