Friday, March 11, 2011

Worth a Look

Here are five posts from last week's Greenpage that might be worth a look:

The New World Theatrical Order

Art Works: "On February 22nd, I was invited to attend a meeting with NEA Chair Rocco Landesman and about a dozen leaders of arts service organizations to discuss the #supplydemand conversation that he had started in late January at the From Scarcity to Abundance convening at Arena Stage. He broached this topic in front of over a hundred arts professionals with complete knowledge that the proceedings were being tweeted and blogged as part of the proceedings. He wanted to start a national conversation, and he knew this was the way to do it. If we had any doubts as to whether he was aware of what he was doing, they were dispelled on January 31st, a single day after Arena’s convening was over, when he wrote a follow-up blog post on the NEA blog that was entitled #supplydemand, which, of course, is a Twitter hashtag. Clearly, he wanted this conversation to take off, and he had learned from David Dower’s web savvy how to do it.

In new theatre craze, stage flying adds ‘extra element of awe’ – and fills seats

The Globe and Mail: "Cesar Corrales has a very serene look on his face for a young man who is about to be thrown 20 feet into the air. From an empty stage inside Toronto’s Canon Theatre, the 14-year-old is gracefully spun around and around by an older dancer before being whipped upward, soaring in huge arcing loops.

Projected Scenery in Set Design

rosebrand: "Rose Brand would like to congratulate our first blog contest winner, David Ayers. David submitted an entry describing how he helped create a set made up almost entirely of projected scenery for the Broadway in Boulder Studios production of “Secret Garden.”

How the Old Spice Guy Seduces Your Lady In One Take

Gizmodo: "How the Old Spice Guy Seduces Your Lady In One Take The Old Spice Guy's got a pretty good life, doesn't he? Smells great, makes us laugh, really good posture. But those amazing space-shifting commercials he stars in don't just happen by magic. Here's a behind the scenes look at how a go from a mountain to underwater to your fondest dreams, all in a single take.

CMU airs 10-year master plan

Post Gazette: "Carnegie Mellon University wants to construct a new home for its Tepper business school, expand Heinz College and undertake other campus work that includes turning two Forbes Avenue traffic lanes into bicycle paths.

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