Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Mrs. TANBI turned on the air.  Let's all thank Mrs. TANBI...  Just as the Presidential address started tonight I found myself thinking of Rosanne Rosannadanna...  The infographic resumes do seem to be getting better each year...  Today I said "trying to discover the resonant frequency of my apathy."  That might be the single navel-gazingiest phrase ever uttered by anyone, anywhere...  Every night I wait until 11:30 for the daily shop report.  Every night it doesn't come...  I think I'm putting "Blacklist" on the watch list for the fall.  It's looking more and more likely that Ray Donovan is dropping to a future binge.  Now I just need to decide what to do with the last batch of "Leverage" on the DVR...  Social media should have parent/physician accounts where someone can see everything but you can't see them...  So far, not being Option Coordinator has been fairly relaxing...  I've become a regular patron of smoothies with spinach, carrots, banana, strawberry, and yogurt...  The kindle app seemed to download a new book all on its own today.  Guess I've got something new to read...  Not every international disaster that winds up having the Russians come to the rescue.  Talk about a new world order...  First week of Fantasy Football was disappointing.  First week of actual football pretty disappointing too...  Got a nice surprise check in the mail today.  Surprise checks are the best checks...  It occurs to me that I'm gonna wind up on another search committee this year...  As someone who has been into Doctor Who for more than 30 years I am surprisingly unexcited by the 50th anniversary...  Should I be a fair weather Pirates fan?  Not sure my inner Cub fan will stand for that...  A little bit I think Congress ought to authorize action anyway, even with a diplomatic solution underway.  Got to keep the pressure on...  If I upgrade my phone it would totally be a vanity thing.  My current phone does more than what I need just fine...  I ran out of Spiderman, about to run out of Transformers...

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