Tuesday, July 14, 2020


What do you write when you are too lazy to write?  Ellipses...  I PUT THE BIKE TOGETHER!  Now I just have to ride it, which will require reading a manual.  I learned to ride a bike more than 40 years ago, having to read a manual seems odd...  PPS had a Facebook event tonight where they informed us that school will either be (our choice) part time in person/part time asynchronous distance learning or full time synchronous distance learning - with the added option that they could at any time take everyone 100% online again.  Gonna have to give it some thought...  We had over 300 new COVID cases today in the county.  They're saying some of that load is lab lag - which might explain yesterday's rosy 70 new cases.  Still going in the wrong direction...  I said "drank the Kool-Aid" today in class.  As I was saying it I began to wonder if that was another expression that should just drop out of use.  It is pretty morbid, and I really don't need it...  Work got me a graphics tablet with a pen for writing in Zoom sessions.  I was afraid it would look like I was drawing in crayon and had some kind of tremor.  It does.  I am going to have to look around in the drivers and the configuration to see if it is me or the settings...  RBG is in the hospital again.  2020 really is pulling out all the stops.  Here's hoping it isn't anything serious...  In less than 8 weeks I am supposedly teaching class in a classroom on campus.  Yesterday I got an email from campus facilities saying if I want to go to my office I have to email for permission and give them all the details of my intended trip.  A whole lot is going to have to change in 8 weeks for us to get to where they are thinking...  I had a tele-medicine appointment today.  It gave me a chance to use our scale, pulse-ox meter, non-contact thermometer, and blood pressure meter.  Over the years we have acquired a whole lot of personal diagnostic apparatus...  Today's Zoom class had a PowerPoint composed from half a class outline and yet it took the whole class session.  I'm glad I didn't convert the entire outline into the deck.  Although eventually I'll need the other half of the lecture.  Not until well into the fall though...  We're trying to decide if we want to go back to 20-25 person regular framily dinners in person.  For months we've been "gathering" online.  With the Allegheny County case counts going the way they are I am unconvinced this is a good idea.  My doc today concurred.  Guess it will have to wait...  I watched "The Old Guard" on Netflix.  Decent movie with good people and good performances.  I knew nothing about it before I started and was pleasantly surprised.  TANBI recommended...

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