Monday, July 06, 2020


COVID cases, day over day, in Allegheny County are up 1000% in the last two weeks.  We're doing it wrong.  I hope we figure it out soon.  Wear a mask...  Gib5on has expanded his Pokemon obsession to Pokemon GO.  We still haven't figured out how to make the social aspects of the games work for him.  That probably isn't a bad thing...  As the person often bemoaning the last of room for humor in many of today's discussions I am being remarkably snappish on Facebook to people trying to be funny.  Oops...  It has been really hot out the last few days, so I set up a portable shade on our front porch.  We're anticipating being contacted by the realtor from the house next door any day now...  Some things are proving very difficult to buy these days, although they are real 21st century problems.  But if you've got any basil, Mrs. TANBI would like some, and let me know if you see any Sodastream Diet Cola syrup (bonus points for caffeine free)...  One of my Facebook friends posed an Amazon listing for a face-mask featuring the President's name arranged in a Swastika.  That's not something I would have expected to have ever seen...  It sounds like the Popular Vote Compact got a big boost today.  I guess that's a good thing.  A unanimous Supreme Court ruling is somewhat striking these days...  It hasn't been very long, and I don't want to jinx it, but it looks like my weight is creeping down again.  That'd be a good thing if it is real...  My boss, who was going to retire at the end of next spring, decided to move up his timetable and leave at the end of September...  My wife has this cousin that posts some really vacuous stuff online. I don't know why, but I can't help but engage.  I don't think there's any room for a change of mind, but I feel compelled to call him out...  It has been like three weeks now and I still haven't opened the box my bike came in.  I hope it is in there.  It will be embarrassing if I drag my feet long enough to not be able to resolve problems if I find them.  Maybe this weekend...  Tomorrow is the first day of teaching for me this summer in the abridged summer program.  Since we're on Zoom I had to convert an outline I first made 20 years ago into a PowerPoint.  Here's hoping it goes well in that format...  Our 4th was uneventful.  No fireworks.  Honestly I don't remember the last time we went to a fireworks display.  We spent the evening watching Hamilton.  Maybe there's a tradition to be had there...  Between the two of us my wife and I have more than 5 online calendars.  Getting them all to work together requires an IT manager...  More and more I am becoming concerned that the November election might be in peril.  I have this recurring vision of villains twirling the ends of their mustaches declaring we won't even know what hit us.  Keep your head on a swivel...  Sabian is now one year old...  PPS is saying there will be in person public school at the end of August (that's the end of next month - see the first line of this entry)...

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