Wednesday, July 01, 2020


All of a sudden it's the end of the day again...  The TD cohort from work met tonight on Zoom.  I gave them the scoop on what we're thinking for the fall.  Now it has to work...  We're starting to bring stuff back to the house from the storage unit.  Really it seems like we should just take it to a dumpster...  I still haven't put my bike together.  Maybe this weekend...  Gib5on has become obsessed with Pokemon GO.   Just when you though there wasn't any more Pokemon to get obsessed about...  Tomorrow is Sabian's first birthday.  Not sure she'll know the difference...  Debating shrinking the bubble in the wake of increased Allegheny Country COVID numbers.  It is a bummer to have rewound all the way to April.  I hope people enjoyed their time out of the house...  This latest Russia story is awful, but I hope it doesn't do so much damage that we wind up with Pence running for President in the Fall...  Not sure I understand people's objection to wearing a mask in public.  It isn't too much of an imposition and it makes a big difference.  Plus it is the right thing to do...  When you keep an eye on everything the current administration is doing you wind up wishing maybe you hadn't...  The basement is making good progress, which is good because under the new normal I spend an awful lot of time in the basement...  Somehow I wound up with a full day of meetings tomorrow afternoon, plus a family Zoom at 7:30 AM.  I feel like I'm in Clerks:  I'm not even supposed to be here...  Camp Corona is going pretty well.  I have to make some more shirts...  I teach a week from today.  That's pretty soon.  I should probably get some stuff together...  We can't seem to grow grass on the lawn.  No problem growing grass in the driveway though...  We're supposed to see Hamilton in the Spring.  Should we watch it online first?  I mean, every day it seems somewhat less likely we'll be seeing it in a theatre in the Spring...  The world has shut off travel from the US over our infection rate.  We're supposed to be a world leader.  I wonder what happened...

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