I guess I have let these things marinade long enough.
1. If you had the opportunity to meet one historical (as in real, not fictitious) person, living or dead, who would it be? ONE.
2. Who is the last person in the world who you'd like to trade places with?
3. What theatrical character (musical or play, either one) reminds you most of yourself?
4. If you were given a chance to do one thing in your life differently, what would it be?
# posted by Peg : 2:57 PM
1. I guess I really don't have a good answer for this. So many people equally interesting for absolutely unrelated reasons. Having to pick one from everyone doesn't seem like something I could come up with a reason for. One person? Douglas Adams.
2. Doesn't it seem like pretty much any person distinguished enough that I would know about them would be better off than someone that doesn't even get on the radar? This is like when that paper in Maine interviewed me about the Pickard theatre and wanted me to tell them what was bad about it and all I kept saying was "whatever theatre you are in, something about it would piss you off." Do I become this person? Or am I me, stuck in the life of this person? If I become the person, then I don't think this has any meaning. If I would have to be stuck in the life of that person, like some sort of "Being John Malkovich" thing, that might be unfortunate. How about any number of people currently residing at Camp X-Ray, Guantanámo Bay, Cuba? Robert Blake? Michael Jackson? I would hate to have my boss' job. Once I saw a video of a guy that worked at a Tyson chicken factory. His job was to drive a bulldozer under the mass chicken coops, cleaning out the poop on an industrial scale. I'd hate to be that guy. But then he has a job, and his family probably loves him - they'd have to with what he must smell like. I think maybe I would hate to be the guy that designed the insulation foam on the external tank of the Space Shuttle. To make a mistake on that big a stage would be devastating.
3. This is easier to do with movies: John Patterson in "The Ghost and the Darkness":
"I will kill the lion, and I will build the bridge"
or maybe John Cusak in "Better off Dead," or "Say Anything,":
"If you go through life just a little bit depressed, you're always pleasantly surprised."
or "High Fidelity." Although he's somewhat better looking. I have to say by the way that although I lived that last quote for quite some time that it isn't a good quote to live by. From a play? How about Alceste from "The Misanthrope":
"Meanwhile; betrayed and wronged in everything, I'll flee this bitter world where vice is king, And seek some spot unpeopled and apart Where I'll be free to have an honest heart."
Maybe less so with the medication.
4. Come to terms with the nature of being happy earlier.
1) If you could be doing anything other than whatever you're doing now, what would it be?
2) What is your biggest regret?
3) What is your biggest fear?
4) What kind of question/answer scenario would endanger our engagement?
# posted by Anonymous : 3:54 PM
1. Like right now? Anything besides answering these questions. Or like career now? Occasionally I like to think it would be better doing something that would make a real contribution. Politics, activism, research. People say that theatre and education do make a contribution. But often I am too close to see it. I have a pretty good gig ass it turns out.
2. When I was a student at CMU, living in Boss Hall, I saw a couple having sex in their room in Welch. Using the campus directory, I figured out the phone number and called, letting it ring until they stopped and picked up. Then I just hung up. They started up again and I called again. Finally they unplugged the phone. I have regretted this action for quite some time. It was pretty mean - although it didn't seem like it at the time.
3. I think I have a fairly persistent fear of being unprepared. I like to know what's coming, and what I am going to do.
4. Anything where a pro-forma response would require me to answer "my fiance" because there would be no way to know if it were spin.
1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend?
4. There is a river you must cross but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?
your old man
1. Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, close the refrigerator.
2. Open the refrigerator, remove the giraffe, put in the elephant, close the refrigerator.
3. The elephant, can't get out of the refrigerator.
4. Just swim across, the crocs are at the meeting.
1)What is your best memory of our friendship?
2)If you could live one place and still be as happy, healthy, and successful as you are now, where would it be?
3)What's one thing you fought for thinking it was right, or didn't fight for even though you thought it was right, and then regretted it later.
4)If life had a "do over" button, would you push it?
-H # posted by Anonymous : 9:59 AM
1. Lake George, Saratoga, Great Escape.
2. I liked Maui a lot, but I think I would answer "with my family."
3. I don't think I have any real regrets like this. Sometimes I regret the nature of my advocacy. From time to time the way I have gone after something has complicated the issue. I'm learning how not to do that. I had a recent ex, that I fought real hard when she wanted to break up, and then a couple of weeks later was like "what in the world was I thinking?" But I am not sure I would consider that regret. Mostly I think I am able to live with my decisions.
4. This one is problematic. I think if I knew I were about to die, and I had this option I might take it. If this meant that I would get to do things over again, knowing what I know now, like a "Peggy Sue Got Married" scenario, then I suppose there might be circumstances where it would be appealing. If the reasoning here is that I regret the path I have taken, or where I have wound up, then the answer is absolutely no.
FIRST QUESTION: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
SECOND QUESTION: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
THIRD QUESTION: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?
LAST QUESTION: Mary's father has five daughters: Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
your old man
1. Second place
2. First place, you've lapped the last person (although I would argue that the possibility exists that you are now second to last and had simply been very very late starting the race).
3. 4100
4. Mary
Too much fun.
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