Sunday, September 30, 2007

No Spin Zone

Think Progress » The ‘Restore Patriotism to University Campuses Act’:: "The ‘Restore Patriotism to University Campuses Act’: The name of Rep. Duncan Hunter’s (R-CA) bill to cut off all federal funds to Columbia University because of the Ahmadinejad speech."

I've been thinking about this one a little and I have a proposal: I believe that legislation should not be named, only numbered. The above legislation is actually HR 3675. Really I think that's enough, and it would let the bill be debated on its merits without representatives having to worry about down the line being labeled "anti-patriot" for voting against a bill that had the word "patriot" in the name - but may or may not have anything to do with patriotism.

Modern politicians and their operatives have proven far too facile with labels to be allowed to use them. One need only remember the "Clear Skys Initiative" or I would even include "No Child Left Behind." These names contribute nothing to the legislation and do everything to distort and obfuscate the conversation. What legislator in their right mind would want to be on record as voting against "The Patriot Act?" Voting against HR 3162 might have been easier - or at least a more vague name might encourage someone to actually read the bill before voting for it.

They say you can't judge a book by its cover. We ought to stop letting people define legislation by its name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> "The ‘Restore Patriotism
> to University Campuses
> Act’: The name of Rep.
> Duncan Hunter’s (R-CA) bill
> to cut off all federal funds
> to Columbia University
> because of the Ahmadinejad
> speech."

What's even more disingenuous about this is that if the government doesn't like Ahmadinejad running around making propaganda speeches on U.S. soil, it can easily put a stop to it by limiting his entry visa into the country.

The U.S. is required to allow the head of every member nation into the country to attend the U.N. General Assembly but they could limit Ahmadinejad's visa to state that he's allowed to land at JFK Airport, motorcade to the U.N. complex, deliver his speech and motorcade back to the airport and take off. If he's staying for several days to conduct bilateral meetings with other delegations at the U.N. complex, the visa could be amended to allow travel to one NYC hotel as well.

I just find it ridiculous that the federal government is threatening to punish a school for hosting a speech that the government itself could easily have prevented.