Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Credit Ultimate

I have a standing list of assignments students can do for extra credit in my classes.  One of the assignments is to organize an ultimate frisbee game that includes me.  They have to get together at least 13 people and secure a field such that we can play for at least an hour.  I give them an extra 25% for each additional faculty member they can turn out - so far no group has managed the additional points.

We just had a game a couple of weeks ago.  Usually students don't think about extra credit until the very end of a semester.  In the fall that means that when extra credit is on their mind the temperature outside would be hovering around freezing and therefore less conducive to an ultimate game (although there's no admonition against an indoor game - might be more difficult to schedule though).

There's another standing instruction for this activity that isn't overtly stated in the description but that I make abundantly clear face to face: students must know where the nearest AED is located.  Just in case.  I don't play all that often anymore.

In each of the instances of this activity the team I have played on has done quite well.  I'm not sure why that is.  One player ought not make that big a difference, especially a single player that really isn't playing any defense, or you know... running much at all.  But that's been the case and this time was no different.  I offered reshuffling the teams once we went up something like 8-0, but they weren't having it.

I had a lot of assists, but not as many as throwaways.  My backhand is still solid.  My flick really needs work, and the hammers were really quite awful.  I also got a lot of mileage out of a tight little upside down throw I never used to use but saw thrown a lot while watching AUDL on TV.  So I guess I'm still learning.

Honestly I wish I could make this happen weekly.  But then nobody would have to do any homework and I don't think that would be pedagogically responsible.  Might be fun though.

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