Thursday, August 20, 2020


That was swell, but really I was hoping for more...  Riding through campus tonight it looks like there are fewer signs than there were weeks ago...  Pitt extended remote classes a week past our schedule.  Keeping track of this really requires something you can erase...  I got 150' of Ethernet cable today.  The weak internet availability in the guest room will not last forever...  Do you think people would pay $1 per book for a whole box of sorted books?  $20 for 20 Star Wars paperbacks?  Me either.  Books are Kryptonite...  There's this guy I have come into class every year and every year for some reason he doesn't get emails from my work account so I have to email him twice, the second time using my personal account.  Or maybe I am just an impatient noodge...  Firefox doesn't think "noodge" is a word.  Google says otherwise...  I'm taking a vacation from my diet again.  Being stuck in the house all day long I just don't have the discipline to stick to it.  I'm not really even hungry.  Just have to keep an eye on the scale I guess...  Tonight I had the thought that maybe the administration should have told all of us to cut the workload for each of our classes in half for the Fall.  I have the feeling that classes are going to be particularly draining in this mode.  Of course, in that instance people might want to pay half...  I need recommendations for replacement office chairs.  The chairs in the home office are not "all day" duty.  If you have one you like - that isn't a million dollars - let me know...  This morning I played "Life" with Gib5on.  On what used to be called "day of reckoning" in the current version you collect $50k/pet and $100k/child.  I'm not sure the people that designed the game have pets or children.  Or perhaps they don't really believe that the game should be scored with money...  In the grocery today I was looking for Little Debbie Peanut Butter Wafers but couldn't find any.  Probably a good thing...  Also, they had Halloween Candy out.  Someone should explain to them that it is August and that holiday is basically in November.  That's a pretty far horizon in this day and age...

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