Monday, August 24, 2020


They paved the road in front of the house today.  At 4:30 in the afternoon.  With no notification.  Kind of a crappy time of day to close that street...  Going back to the diet next week.  I don't think I'll enjoy it, but it seems like the right thing to do...  I'm not sure how you can go in front of Congress, acknowledge that things are going downhill significantly and still believe you ought to keep the job...  Hoping to be out of the storage unit soon, with everything back into our house or disposed of responsibly.  I wouldn't bet on it though...  We haven't even gotten the Fall bonus curriculum going yet and I'm on to looking at the spring.  This week has always been hectic, but this year is extra special...  If we'd known we were going to be working from home exclusively and that school was going to be from home and that daycare was going to be from home, if we'd known all that we'd probably have made different choices about our home...  I think I am just going to monitor the convention coverage rather than watching in real time.  That will likely give me enough of a taste to know what is going on...  More and more I wonder if the nationwide coin shortage is due to some kind of malarkey in the bureau rather than the pandemic...  Delete, delete, delete.  I wonder if this will ever be like it was once?  Probably not...  If I replace my car, should I get another car or go back to a truck?  Based on all the driving I do now I should probably be giving strong consideration to nothing at all...  Just couldn't get in the groove today.  I don't know if it is about being home or something else, but crossing things off my list is harder than I remember - and that's without the constant addition of new items...  Gib5on's new teacher texted today with some instructions.  I texted, emailed, and answered through the new app (that was what the text was about).  I fear that we haven't gotten to the first day of class and I may have flagged myself as a problem...  I finished "Sea Change."  Pretty good book.  Nice to read something dystopian that has a new slant to the triggering event...  Haven't got my mail in ballot yet.  Really wondering about sending it in once I do get it.  I guess I can hand deliver it...  I was watching the Penguins while they were in it.  Then I thought maybe I would watch the Golden Knights, but I think I might have been too slow...  No rain tonight.  Should probably go put some miles in on the bike...

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