Monday, September 08, 2008

But How Do You REALLY Feel?

Wake Up, America! -- The Morning After America's Blind Date with Sarah Palin - Huffington Post:

■ Most Americans want health insurance for everyone.
Sarah Palin opposes it.
■ Most Americans are not biblical literalists.
Sarah Palin is. In spades.
■ Most Americans favor a woman's right to choose in abortion.
Sarah Palin wants to outlaw ALL abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.
■ Most Americans favor environmental protections and understand that global warming is largely caused by human activity.
Sarah Palin doesn't.
■ Most Americans believe the findings of science.
Sarah Palin doesn't.
■ Most Americans do not think Tim LaHaye's "End Times" with millions of non-Christians drowning in rivers of blood while Jesus cheers are upon us.
Sarah Palin does.
■ Most Americans disagree with most of what has happened during the last eight years and with George W. Bush.
Sarah Palin is Bush's more-evil fraternal twin.

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