Monday, September 08, 2008


I think I am almost caught up to the third day of school... Can you believe the judge found for JK Rowling? That's not the way I read the statute... That the Republicans have a lead in election polls gives me the heebie-jeebies... With all my feeds I hardly ever seem to hit the Stumble button anymore... Today I ate a lunch I didn't really want... The other day I was looking at 36V cordless tools. How high do you think they'll go? I wasnt my 220V cordless drill! not... The Steelers game was cool, but not as cool as the Bears game... Last night I watched Norm build a flagpole. I wonder what jumping the shark looks like for a PBS carpentry series? I do think maybe they're getting to the bottom of the project list... We had people over for cards Friday and I lost Euchre twice... Is it a good thing or a bad thing there were more Palin articles today than Britney articles? Let's call it a wash... Tonight on The Closer the cops flat out murdered a guy, that was new... Should I be watching the new Bochco show? I did go to Carnegie Mellon, but I already added Sandhogs and Terminator is back - I only have so much time... They bailed out Fannie and Fredie. Do we get some kind of interest in the holdings in exchange for our tax money? I thought not... I can't get over the number of green page comments that look authoritative instead of enlightened... Sometimes I think it might be nicer to be stupid, clueless and hot... It's been real hard to get back into gear lately... I think I am ready to hire a green page staff... The guy who said he could do our driveway mid-September has disappeared... After years of being told "CFA doesn't do early decision" today they told us if we want we can do early decision, thanks... Some day I will find a desk I really, actually, want... The car-pooling really has cut down on the gas money... The SRC meets tomorrow, fingers crossed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Norm built a flagpole??!
Man, I wish my Tivo had decided to record that one...

Seems like I only ever see him build variations on the dresser with drawers.