Monday, December 29, 2008

Rounding Third

and turning for home. Sorry about the quadruple shorties crop. Things here are tough when it comes to finding time for blogging. Actually there's a lot of time, but the hospital just sucks the life out of you and you find yourself just sitting quietly - contemplating.

So, we've picked up some professional help for mom and for my dad, and I am taking advantage of that for what is likely my last chance to get home before the train goes over the top of the hill.

I was talking to Mrs TANBI the other day and I compared our current situation waiting for my mom's health to change to being on a roller coaster at the very top of the first hill. You aren't hearing the click-click-click anymore, so you know the drop is coming but it hasn't started yet, and you really cannot tell when it will. I can remember being on rides where it feels like the train has just stopped. That's sort of what it feels like to be here now. At the bottom of the hill you can see a funeral, a memorial service, the house, my dad and the rest of our lives; but for the moment we're just hanging up at the top of the hill.

And so in that split instant of time I am trying to go back home, recharge, figure out the first few weeks of the semester and what to do if I can't be there, and then maybe look for someplace for my dad for after. All of which feels totally secondary to being here, but I guess needs to be done too.

So tomorrow we do 41-94-90/94-90-80/90-80/76-76-79-579-376. Me, Mrs. TANBI, and my parent's cat who will be joining our household.

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