Tuesday, July 31, 2018

31 for 31

This is post 31 in 31 days.  So there's that.  Nice to set out a goal and meet it.  That seems to happen less often now than in the past.  I only had one real miss.  The day got away from me once and I wound up posting after midnight.  There was one real punt - maybe two - posts that were pretty much just photographs.  At least four of the posts were essentially freebies: keeping up with the "Worth a Look" posts culled from the Greenpage.  Still, 31 for 31, that's nice.

This is post 3701 for the blog since its inception.  That's no small potatoes either.  Many, many of those are also "Worth a Look" and going back there were easily dozens if not hundreds of "shorties" posts: daily aggregations of Twitter posts.  I really miss those.  I've been looking for a way to use IFTTT to create my own Twitter to Blogger daily aggregator but alas to date there's no joy.  It likely includes some kind of Goggle Docs middle step:

1. For every tweet make a new entry in the doc
2. Each day create a Blogger post from the new doc data

The problem is I don't know how to get IFTTT to recognize new information from old.  I don't want to wind up having to do any of it manually.  That would defeat the purpose.

The run of posts have identified at least 3 unique readers, well two if you don't count Mrs. TANBI.  And FWIW Mrs. TANBI tells me that even though the site is in her RSS that the posts are TLDR for her.  So: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FRITZ AND ETHAN for reading.  I hope it is interesting.  The Blogger Stats page for the blog says that pretty much all days have more than 20 views, with many days topping 100.  So also: thanks to all of you that are reading that aren't Fritz or Ethan.

I really wish the reticence that has been a posting inhibitor for me wasn't.  I do have a lot to say, but it isn't worth this.  If you haven't read that, you should.  If after reading it you systematically delete all of your social media accounts I won't begrudge you that.  Don't forget your LinkedIn, and your MySpace, and your Pinterest, and...  It is amazing the number of online things that became social sites.  I guess there really is money to be made from social networks.

I'm pretty sure there won't be 30 posts in August.  But I will try to make it more than four crossposts.

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