Wednesday, July 18, 2018


The saving grace of this post a day thing is that Wednesdays are Ellipses...  Three different people in my feeds today crapped on reputable news sources.  The other guys are winning...  I had to light up the old laptop to restore my new phone, so I am getting all TANBI retro and writing this post with it.  Next I'll use the iPad2...  It is possible I was a little bit rough grading my first batch of precollege assignments...  Another kid from Woodland Hills got shot.  I think that's 14 this year.  It should be a bigger story...  Today the boy's camp went to the carpet slide park.  Earlier this year he'd been there for a birthday and another kid broke her arm.  Apparently several parents told that story at drop off and freaked out all the counselors...  The news is so depressing I can't find things to talk about in the news...  The neighbors finally cut their lawn, for the first time this year, in mid-July.  They've actually been living in California and are just getting caught up...  If you believe for even a second that POTUS misspoke you are in some kind of willful disbelief...  I'm looking for someone to take a bunch of LPs off my hands.  If you know anyone that collects please send them my way...  Making the statement that maybe the US shouldn't come to the aid of other NATO countries is pretty scary...  The large chili at Wendy's is 300 calories.  That's important information if you are doing a 5:2 fast...  Mandalay Bay is suing the shooting victims.  We live in a strange country...  I got in a Facebook spat today about the President donating his salary.  I kind of feel like it is ultimately an empty gesture...  Jupiter has 12 more moons.  My son learns about a very different world than I did... 

1 comment:

will said...

Take the LPs to Jerry's. Whatever they won't buy, drop off at Good Will.