Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Last night I watched the first AUDL game on TV (that I've seen) that was remotely close.  It was pretty cool...  The boy and I are supposed to be walking to camp in the morning.  Somehow the boy appears to have ended that practice...  The family separations being engineered by our government really need to stop.  It is possible that those responsible for the practice should resign...  Last month's electric bill was surprisingly moderate.  But then, the air is on again...  Things in the US are so cocked up right now I never got to be pleased the head of EPA resigned...  Between the "you should read this" posts in my RSS and using a Kindle reader I have now reached a point where I could not tell you the title or the author of the book I am currently reading...  Headed East to see alums tomorrow.  If you have any influence on the weather we could use a nice day...  I am beginning to think it is no longer enough to live according to your ideals, and that putting your money where your mouth is might not be enough either...  You can in fact squish the two and a half hour Marshmallow Workshop I have previously done into an 80 minute block.  It doesn't leave much time for discussion...  Contemplating a third compression brace.  That's too many right?  I thought so...  Guy emailed me today looking for a student to help with a job.  I almost just took it myself...  Is there a reason the designer we worked with on our house never returns my emails?  I am starting to wonder if we forgot to pay a bill or something...  Do you watch "Humans" on AMC?  You should.  It is pretty good.  Lately though a lot of really, really sad things have been happening...  Still haven't gotten very far on the book...

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