Saturday, July 07, 2018

Couple of Things

This posting every day is tougher than it used to be.  I don't remember the last time I did it but I venture it was before the boy needed all day, every day attention.  That kind of thing just eats up your day.  Blogging begins to seem like a bit of a luxury.  Still, I'm getting to the keyboard when I can, even if the entries seem a little labored.  Here's a couple of things that might turn into a complete post somewhere down the line...


The time has come for me to write a book.  I mean it has been something I should have been thinking about since my academic career began.  Delaying has probably cost me a few possible titles.  But we're really to a put up or shut up moment as far as RTP.  I getting long in the tooth for my next step, and that step is going to require some kind of triggering event.  The one that seems to be the most under my control would be a book.  Much as I would like it to be a collection of TANBI blog posts it will probably have to be something else.  The front runner at the moment appears to be "Not So Standard Scenery."


I had a terrible idea this morning about how the President could lock up majorities in both houses this fall - thereby forgoing any real possibility of numerous investigations or even impeachment.  Fortunately it is something he almost certainly won't do.  The idea is to let the Supreme Court seat sit open well into the election cycle and then as close as possible so as to finish confirmation before the election to nominate Merrick Garland.  It would put all the people who voted for him that are leaning left in November firmly in play.  But even if it would work for him, he'll never do it.


I'm thinking I'm into a health phase that can only be described as a cascade failure.  One not serious but annoying thing seems to domino into the next not serious but annoying thing and then that one kicks off something else.  And just when I thought everything was going so well.  I've had this thought that every ten years people ought to be able to go to some kind of inpatient facility for a complete work up and overhaul: change the oil and rotate the tires.  I could certainly use it.  Probably not cost effective though.


The other night we went to the movies during a rain storm.  When we got out and started to drive home we were stopped and turned around by a closed road.  Then we drove for a while in the other direction until we were stopped and turned around again.  That forced us to drive in completely the wrong direction passed several other roads that were closed, but killed enough time that once we got to the main artery leading where we wanted to go (which had been closed) it was open.  Which let us go for a little while until we couldn't make a turn we needed due to another road that was closed.  A 12 minute drive wound up taking almost two hours.


I'm moving the Marshmallow Challenge from being a half day workshop into being a one class exercise.  That cuts the available time in half.  I still want to do the traditional scale and the video and then my version.  Each iteration is supposed to be like 20 minutes.  Doing the normal twice and mine once should then be an hour - meaning the 80 minute slot should have time for that and the video.  Normally we do the second version twice.  Technically even that should fit.  But every time I run it through in my head I come up short on time.  I guess we'll see.

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