Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Couple of Things

I'm writing emails to Pat Toomey's office on a pretty regular basis these days.  I mean probably not enough to get me on some kind of a watch list, but way, way more than I ever have before.  I don't often write to Casey or to Mike Doyle, but Senator Toomey gets more email from me than most people I know.  Every time I send in an email his office sends me, what I hope is an automated, response with a "Thank you for writing" header, absolutely no body text, and an attached image of his signature.  I'm not sure if it is his intent but what I get from that is "I didn't read it, and if I had I wouldn't care."


Mrs. TANBI and I upgraded our phones the other day.  For a while I thought I had found a really slick way to get this done.  I discovered I could get new phones for miles.  Unfortunately that turned out to be a rabbit hole of striking dimension.  The issue was that the miles shopping site didn't list compatible carriers.  At one point a CSR for the miles shopping program told me I had to talk to a rep at the vendor's online store and that she could give me their number - which she did - giving me an 800 number with 8 digits.  Sometimes talking to people on the phone you just want to shout, something like "THAT ISN'T A PHONE NUMBER!!!"  Anyway, the new phones are nice, and I am still looking for something to buy with miles.


The missus is away on a girls sleepover and I am alone with the boy.  Tonight I asked him what he would like to do for dinner and after some initial indecision he offered "You know where we haven't been in a while?"  Which seems like a fairly sophisticated construction for a four year old, followed by "Hokkaido."  He went on to say that he would enjoy a dinner of crab legs.  It is possible that we've created a little bit of a monster.  Turns out to have been a good decision, they comped him,  That won't last forever, but while it does it is a pretty good dinner deal.


It isn't their fault, but now whenever I go into any health care provider I am comparing them to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.  Most of them don't compare all that favorably.  That might be their fault.  It is really disconcerting to know that there is an organization that understands how to do something well and yet that knowledge doesn't filter out to others providing the same services.  I guess maybe the assessment isn't fair.  When I went it took me out of the context of my life, which made scheduling SNAFUs unlikely, and I didn't really come in the front door.  But maybe that's the way it should be.


The Sense8 finale movie has been available on Netflix for like a month now and I haven't watched it.  I brought it up on the screen the other night only to discover it is two and a half hours long.  That's more time than fits into my TV life right now in a single, uninterrupted sitting and it seems like that's how I want to watch this particular show.  I think that my delay is indicative of what contributed to the show being cancelled.  But it doesn't seem fair that if they remove the urgency to watch by putting all the episodes on a streaming service indefinitely that a show can be cancelled because not enough people are watching.  There's a lot to watch.  I've got things to do.  I'll get to it eventually

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