I thought maybe I would present some of the sights and sounds of the fall crits here. I apologize for the picture sizes, but I have suddenly become concerned with the storage space and long term archiving - have to figure that out. I would have a Day 1 entry, except that the students that took pictures for me have yet to send them.
Morning session, soon to be job-seeking 3rd year grads...
Ms. Baillie:
- likes playing with Legos
- discovered that sometimes the theatre elves don't show
- is taking her thesis to the beach
Mr. Hales
- never takes a break
- LOVES outreach
- thought his assistants were too good
Ms. Broughton
- should have registered for mononeucleosis
- took the class that shant be named
- loved taking structures
Ms. Santamassino
- "be careful what you wish for"
- "what he said"
- designers say "bla bla bluh bluh"
- thinks Kevin is dreamy
Morning session shoe winner:
Afternoon session, newly declared PTM students...
Ms. Culver

- classes appealed to her inner PTM
- felt awash in a sea of knowledge
Ms. Stone

- learned a lot
- missed a lot
Mr. Schwartz

- wants to take everything
- gagged on the idea block
- PTM/TD - and PM (with a little SM)
Ms. Lipson

- sick of Excel
Mr. Jentzen

- "I'm having so much fun"
- Chose to sleep
Mr. Harris

- experienced a battle of quality vs. quantity
- tap-a-holic
Ms. Burford

- not into the whys
- neurotic about cleanliness
Ms. Fellin

- Excel is her best friend
- scared to death of both of David's classes
Mr. Grathwohl

- gets down to the nitty-gritty
- courting Mr. Chemers
Mr. Torska

- "I know I learned a lot"
Ms. Alejandro

- likes having a formula
Afternoon session shoe winner:
Ms. Culver - Congratulations!
I'd love outreach except for the aliens/kids. and she spells it Bridget.
my feet? on the internet? ... well, you know ... thanks for the footwear recognition.
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