My sister got married this weekend in Cape Cod. Great fun was had by all. The pictures I have are from the Pre-nup dinner, but the wedding was even more spectacular. The pre-nup was a clam bake with all the fixins.
We have a tradition in my family about turning the pre-nup into kind of a roast. This event was no different. Here's what I remember of my toast (along with some things I forgot when I was giving it):
Be nice - like that's going to happen.
I have to start, I don't want to steal your thunder, but Marisa and I are pregnant.
No, that's not true.
I wanted to give you advice on how to have a successful first year of marriage, but I can't do that, our marriage is over.
No, that's not true either.
I have known Jessica for a very, very long time. Decorum prevents me from saying just how long. The problem is that the things I have to say, nobody will understand. See, I was going to start like this:
"Isn't this a beautiful place Jessica found to have this party? I guess the Magnani's house wasn't available."
The problem is that there are maybe five people here that understand that. Its too bad. To make a long story short for the rest of you. I believe that instance was Jessica's first experience with law enforcement.
Watching my sister's life has been watching the evolution from Veruca into Lola. We all know, Veruca wants what she wants when she wants it, and whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. Jessica has always been a very resourceful, focused person. She's always been able to find an alternate way to get what she wants. There's a quote in the Sound of Music "Whenever God closes a door, he opens a window." This fits real well with my sister, except in this case its my Father that is closing the door, and Jessica who is going out the window. At one point we thought that to be in compliance with county code we were going to have to put an exit sign over her window.
I love my sister very much. I am so glad she has found someone to make her happy, and she could not have found a better brother for me. The funny thing is that for many years now I haven't seen much of Jessica. We both work in an industry that makes it such that we never know where each other are, or what we're doing, or when the next time we'll be able to see each other. But still, whenever we are together we are always able to slip right back into it. There's a comfort there that is truly special.
And Matt, in my judgment you have absolutely the correct temperament to be a successful male member of this family. It isn't a challenge to be taken lightly.
Since so many of us are in the business, and this event is like our final preview before tomorrow's opening, I have some early reviews I would like to share with you.
Ben Brantly of the New York Times says: "You've loved them individually in the past. Just wait until you see what they do together!" I know that the people that write the headlines aren't the people that write the articles, but that sounds like a good review to me.
The Indianapolis Star-Tribune put their article on the weather page strangely enough and says: "HOT HOT HOT! These two individuals make for an incendiary couple. But no matter how hot they are, we promise you tomorrow will not be as hot as last year's event." For those of you that sweated of 10 pounds at my wedding last June.
And finally Hedy Weiss of the Chicago Sun-Times says: "After year's of questionable casting decisions, this production is ready to go! When interviewed on the subject, the producing director of Apple Tree Theatre said 'its a great start, but we can't wait to see act two... they should come here to workshop that... really... I'm available for babysitting... anytime...'"
Great news. And so, I ask you to raise your glass, and for tomorrow's opening and an unlimited open run we all say, break a leg.

1 comment:
Good for you for not titling this post "(Sure Was) A Real Nice Clambake."
Congratulations to Jessica and Matt, along with my best wishes for many more happy years together.
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