Friday, April 15, 2011

And They're Off

And by they I mean the carpet...

And some of the walls...

And a good chunk of ceiling...

In an exact opposite of the old "hurry up and wait" concept we've very suddenly and abruptly begun the renovations on our house after months of trying to line things up. There was a dumpster in the driveway, and email form the contractor, and a nice note in sharpie on a wall I guess we will now be painting (maybe we'll get a photo of the tomorrow for posterity).

I think you can already see some of the openness we're trying to create. That's a good thing. Be a shame to take the walls down and then think "oh it was so much nicer before."

Interestingly I do think taking up the carpet has made the living room feel smaller. I wouldn't have thought changing the flooring could do that. Hopefully as it is finished out it will regain some of the perceived volume.

While that was happening Mrs. TANBI and I went to the local flooring emporium and - I think - made decisions on the living room floor, kitchen floor, replacement carpet, and fireplace wall cladding. Writing it out like that makes it feel like much a less formidable thing than it was.

Big fun. Watch this space for updates.

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