Monday, April 18, 2011


All the home project shopping is a real steep hill... The reviews for The Alice Project are coming out. Here's hoping its the greatest thing in American Theatre... I really am having difficulty telling what day of the week it is, or what month. Last week I had to ask what year it was... I am TOTALLY digging on the new monitor. Everyone should go out and get one of their own. Inkeeper! Fresh horses and 24" monitors for all the men... Its the time of the year when Mrs TANBI hides all the food... I don't think tea partiers that get elected to office can continue to call the government "them" or "they." When you are the man the adjective is "we." as in "We can't be trusted with your money" not "They can't be trusted with our money." You are part of the problem now, try to be part of the solution... That was too long for an ellipses post... Why oh why would someone pay $7 per square when just down the road you could pay $4 or $3? Makes no sense to me... The local news got a finger wag today from CNN. Thanks for noticing us CNN... Another weekend without the movies. I wonder what happened to the movies? Someday we'll have to go back to the movies... No real home seder for the TANBI's this year - something to do with our home being a pile of rubble... When I run a flooring store, I am going to make the floor out of large samples and do away with the small sample boards. Although it is likely I will never run a flooring store... I am also TOTALLY digging my new keyboard... It might be time to investigate getting a bike... Why is war preferable to assassination when the leaders are normally the problem? Some kind of nod to aristocracy? Maybe we've had it wrong for a very long time... What would need to happen for AIM to make a real resurgence? I almost feel like it's time to uninstall it... Firefox got so bogged down the other day I actually found myself wondering if the machine I was on had chrome... Today someone suggested Google buy the recording industry. I'd like to suggest Google buy the petroleum industry... Trying to decide if I should just chuck everything and spend the next week on the Bulls and the Pens. THere are worse things a guy could do...

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