Saturday, August 30, 2008

One Week Back - Observations

So we've got one week of class under our belts for the 2008-2009 academic year. Some observations:

  1. I hadn't realised it, but it's been a long time since I taught Tech Design.
  2. The shop is never cleaner than it is for the opening BBQ.
  3. The opening BBQ is not a BBQ.
  4. The kids are even younger this year.
  5. No matter how much planning happens, something will jam up the schedule just before things get started.
  6. I am in deep, deep denial over my tenure submission.
  7. My office needs a refrigerator.
  8. Unfortunately, Facebook appears to be a real good resource for keeping touch with alumni.
  9. I miss several people who have moved on.
  10. No matter how many times through, it isn't really the same.

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