Tuesday, May 05, 2020


RBG has been in the hospital again.  If it's not one thing it's another...  There are not as many people wearing masks on the sidewalk these days as I would like to see.  I don't understand either the difficulty or the objection...  Wendy's is running out of hamburgers.  We can live without beef, I guess, but it doesn't make me confident about the rest of the food supply chain...  I'm falling into the habit of buying something every day from an online store.  This could eventually turn out to be an expensive habit...  I actually graded something today.  It wasn't a steep hill, but I climbed it.  I can see the steep part from here...  Today was my first faculty senate meeting.  I didn't speak, but I did vote a few times.  There was also a surprise ex-girlfriend sighting...  There is probably too much MSNBC in my life.  Also too much Fox News (even though I mostly see Fox News on MSNBC)...  Would it be wrong to get into a computer game again?  I haven't played Civilization in like two product releases...  My diet isn't really helping anymore.  That's sad.  Certainly makes it harder to hold to...  Sabian isn't walking yet, but it will probably be soon.  I put up a baby gate today...  We're working on plans for remote Drama Precollege and we're talking about remote, or hybrid School of Drama for the fall.  I am going to need a more comfortable chair...  I wish Trader Joe's and Costco would run web cams on their doors so you could see if there was a long line before deciding to go to the store...  Out of the original 10 flat pack furniture items we have for the basement I am down to two to assemble.  But we ordered another couple today.  I better get cracking...  I think the hardest part of the stay at home thing for Gib5on is not being able to use the local playgrounds.  I miss going out for lunch; among other things...  I drove my car so little last year it was exempted from emissions testing.  The way things are going I am fairly sure I'll drive even less this year...

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