Wednesday, May 27, 2020


100,000 dead.  This isn't over.  We shouldn't treat it like it is over...  The new Blogger interface is going to take some getting used to.  Apparently the legacy interface is going away soon...  I didn't put on shoes today.  I did put on socks, the basement floor is cold, but no shoes today; not even slippers...  I bought a new snowblower in late February and it never really snowed again.  Yesterday I bought a non-contact thermometer and a pulse-oximeter working on the same logic.  Fingers crossed...  Sabian has now been walking for two days.  Several posts ago I predicted she would do so within 10 days (or maybe I said two weeks).  I need to go back and see how close I was...  We tried doing Gib5on's schoolwork today all on the computer (we've been printing everything out to date).  After a few minutes we printed it out and did it longhand.  I don't know if it is his machine or the interface or the way the lessons are entered, but something isn't ready for prime time...  Because of the holiday we shifted my fast day to Tuesday, which is fine but it means that the next fast day is tomorrow.  This didn't used to be so difficult...  The President apparently has something in mind for Twitter.  Here's hoping it is a boycott...  I would show you the calendar view but I don't want to give anything specific away.  It is supposed to be a week off, my contract "ends" at the end of May.  As of today I have six "regular year" meetings already as well as one summer meeting and three other meetings.  Things are for some reason getting real busy...  That last one was almost a post.  Maybe Saturday...  The responses to the various kinds of protests are pretty eye opening.  They are also fairly depressing...  I watched a special tonight on the death of Owen Hart.  What killed him was a solution to a fairly common problem in aerial rigging.  I don't think it is a solution I would have used...  Three different people sent me the same Rube-Goldberg machine video.  I guess it is my thing...  I was going to say I got through the whole day without buying something, but then I remembered I didn't.  Maybe tomorrow...  We apparently have free HBOMAX.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be an app for it on the Roku.  Hopefully that's just a timing thing.  I'd hate to have the service and no real way to access it...  In case you didn't click the link, there is nothing suspect about mail in voting...  I may have just had a pretty good idea for the fall.  Something that very nearly salvages physical production...

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