Tuesday, May 26, 2020


There are apparently like 8 people that read this page regularly - either that or the page receives a fairly consistent viewership of 8.  If it is the former, thanks much for reading...  It is very possible that I fell asleep on the couch tonight.  There's just too much TV to choose from...  I finished season one of Harley Quinn.  Now I've started season one of Ghost in the Shell.  Lots of weapons fire...  We had a Memorial Day picnic today, all on our own.  Uncle Sam's on Flagstaff Hill.  It was pretty nice...  I turned the air on today.  Not sure if that is early or late for us.  One of the units basically ran all day.  I view it as personal growth that its doing so didn't drive me mad...  There's something wrong with the national news coverage.  All pandemic all the time isn't any better than all politics all the time.  Stories about how the pandemic has been made political are particularly ironic...  I think I am close to the home haircut decision tipping point.  Especially if the weather stays hot...  Nobody cared how much the dehumidifier in the basement ran before we finished the basement.  Now we wonder why it is running all the time.  Also, the new blower unit we bought sounds like a jet engine...  I made the boy do some worksheets today even though it wasn't a school day.  We learned about safety through word games.  Anything to fill a half hour...  For some reason paying a big chunk of money to a babysitter feels more wasteful than paying the same big chunk of money to a day camp.  If am uncertain why this is...  I thought there would be no work emails today.  I was wrong...  Hard to find good time for reading in our current set up.  Maybe that will take over some of the traditional TV time...  We played The Game of Life tonight as a family.  There are significant changes to that game from the one I remember...  The boy would much rather ride a bike that is clearly too small for him than the one that seems more properly sized.  I guess it doesn't matter much...  I blew my diet last Thursday and then skipped it today for the holiday.  Guess tomorrow really ought to be a fast day.  Although the 5-2 thing doesn't appear to be working as well this summer as last...

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