Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I use an automated process to post to the @NFTRW_Feed Twitter account.  I would gladly give up that process if Twitter would find a way to get rid of all bots...  I looks like we're getting HBOMAX for free.  I mean I won't believe it until I see it, but that's what I read today...  Yesterday I had two of my summer instructors pulled from my roster.  Guess we'll have to make some adjustments...  Gib5on had his first experience with a lawn sprinkler today.  It's no spray park, but it is certainly better than nothing...  I'm trying to take the diet thing a little more seriously after letting it slide last week...  The company that sold me my bike says I should get a helmet, lock, and toolkit ahead of its arrival.  Please send any favorites my way...  We're making some headway slowly but surely on some changes for the fall.  I hope it comes together like we're planning...  You can still buy an inflatable pool from Amazon.  I bet if I buy one the day it arrives will be the day the city walks back their announcement of how they won't be opening the city pools...  The plans to enlarge the bubble continue apace, which is probably a good thing as the daycare emailed today and finally admitted they can't commit to all the people that have been paying...  One of my colleagues at work put up a "see you in June" away message.  I am somewhat jealous...  We played our first games of Ramen Fury today.  I bought it at a local toy store the other day as a support of local business.  It's a pretty good game...  Apple iPads are really expensive.  Even rebuilds are kinda pricey.  It is hard to justify a new one, but the one I have is a dinosaur...  I'm out of soup.  This may require an in the store trip to Target.  Is soup worth the potential exposure?  Probably not...  Soon I am going to need a list I think.  Stuff to do that isn't immediate child care or work.  Should be nice to make some headway around the house...  I think I am becoming used to the idea that the basement of our house is a usable space - at least I am spending quite a bit of time there...  With school tapering off my interest in the Instagram accounts is dropping.  I guess it is just too much social media to keep after...  Everyone ought to take some serious navel gazing time and figure out what they really do miss and what they really don't miss while we're all cooped up.  Could lead to some real changes...

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