Wednesday, May 06, 2020


The problem with giving homework is that you have to grade homework.  I will apparently never learn...  Melissa Etheridge is doing live streams every afternoon on Facebook.  I seem to always be busy and watching the recording isn't the same...  I was thinking they could probably do the free summer movies, that there'd be room to spread out.  Then I remembered there's nothing else to do...  I didn't leave the house today.  I need to leave the house every day I think...  This coming year seems like it might be a good one for a sabbatical...  The storage unit needs a clean out.  That's as good a reason as any to leave the house...  This latest whistle-blower complaint is a real doozy, but at least it proves that the only people that realized the world was out of N95 masks were not all in my ScenoFab class...  They've announced another season of Lost in Space, that's cool.  They've also announced it is the last season of Lost in Space, that's less cool...  If I had a bike do you think I would ride a bike?  I don't know...  We're a little concerned that Gib5on does not appear to be missing other people nor does he ever seem to really want to leave the house...  Amazon has Echo Shows on sale for Mother's Day.  That seems like a cool idea, but I don't think it gets us anything we don't have with iOS devices...  Some of the best restaurants in the world have converted over to being catering kitchens for food pantries or for essential workers.  It'll be interesting to see if they ever go back to what they were...  Not being able to go out to lunch has brought my reading to a standstill.  I would have thought that the lock-down would have meant more reading, not less...  I wonder if MSWord deciding that two spaces after a period is wrong is a direct response to the iPhone automatically doing a period if you type two spaces...  I've almost run out of episodes of Hustle.  I should probably pick a new show, maybe The Mandalorian, or maybe finally watch The Man in the High Castle.  But I will lay even odds I will probably just rewatch The West Wing...

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