Thursday, May 21, 2020


Blogger keeps telling me to try the "new Blogger."  I have no idea how long that notice has been there, but I am betting it is a really long time...  Wondering if I should go into the office and unplug my refrigerator.  Wondering if everyone should go into the office and unplug the refrigerator, and the printer, and the clock, and anything else that consumes power...  It looks like we're going to staff our own bubble camp rather than send either kid out this summer...  Is tree pollen good for anything?  We have a ridiculous tumbleweed of the stuff in the yard...  Catching up on "The Last Dance."  Only two episodes to go...  Gib5on is obsessed with printing things and having them laminated.  Good thing we have a laminator.  Is it worth going out in a pandemic to get more laminating sheets?  I'm sure they have them on Amazon...  I had to pull all the photos off my phone to free up enough memory for it to update.  That seems like it shouldn't have to be that way.  I'm sure there's a way to set things so it isn't...  Of course the day after the Bombshell Concert streamed on video is the day they announce they are launching a Smash musical for Broadway - whenever there will be a Broadway...  He doesn't look any more foolish wearing a mask than when not wearing a mask.  Maybe a little less...  So I bought a bike, now I need a lock and a helmet.  Got any suggestions?  I've been away from a bike for quite some time...  I'm attending an online aerial rigging workshop.  It's nice to hear some high end content.  Sometimes school can get a little cloistered...  Just for the record there doesn't appear to be anything living under the deck...  There is no data showing that either party benefits from voting by mail.  The opposition to this is just for the noise value...  The diet thing just wasn't going to happen today.  Being in the house all day really encourages snacking.  I got to get out of the house more...  The spending spree continues.  I've ordered so much stuff when boxes arrive I have no idea what is in them...  Monday night was what would have been the NYC Cocktail, the usual milestone that marks the end of the year.  yet this week I had meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and tomorrow - and then one a week from Monday.  Someone missed a memo...

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