Monday, June 01, 2020


I missed the President's speech tonight.  From what I see on social media it might be better that I did...  Somehow I wound up with a full day of work today.  To the best of my knowledge it is June...  We opened our bubble another person today.  It feels weird but it really did help out...  I printed the 20-21 production calendar today.  Then I had the thought that if we're not doing plays in theatres I am not sure why we care about the calendar...  The Pittsburgh local news isn't running live footage of chaos in the street.  I wonder if that's because there's no chaos or just no coverage...  Last month I managed 28 posts in 31 days.  There were still a lot of work posts, and many, many, many ellipses, but still that's a good posting tempo...  I finished Ghost in the Shell without realizing I was watching the finale.  the last episode is really well done.  I've moved on to another anime called B: The Beginning...  Gib5on thinks he would do better on his schoolwork if we did it in the afternoon rather than the morning.  I am fairly sure if we moved it to the afternoon he would say it would go better in the evening...  Pittsburgh hasn't been featured in any of the national news at night.  That's probably a good thing...  From my perspective Twitter is doing a better job of the moderation of problematic content than Facebook.  But FWIW I haven't been all that happy with Twitter either...  Now that I think of it, around 5PM today I noted an odor in the air.  I thought someone had made a mistake with their grill.  In hindsite it was probably smoke shells...  I started to 30 For 30 about Lance Armstrong.  They didn't get to the "What are you on?" commercial in part one.  That's where it all changed for me...  There were only 8 more cases of COVID in the county today.  That's part of a general trend of dropping cases.  Maybe moving to green this week isn't too aggressive.  At least that's my hope...  Today I managed to put together a wrap for lunch for under 200 calories.  That let me use this sentence in context: I get to have all this and a bag of chips...

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