Saturday, June 13, 2020


I was going to write something from my list, but there was a protest march in front of my house and MSNBC says someone was shot and killed for being asleep in a Wendy's drive through.  Writing about the 290 calorie Ramen I've discovered just seems wrong...  In general I think a lot of these things could be helped by caring less.  Somehow all of these things have developed this monumental exigency.  It seems like thinking "whatever" and just waiting would do better for everyone...  Traffic stops are apparently a significant point of abrasion.  Is it possible to just have way less traffic stops?  Dead tail light - photo with dead tail light and license plate - ticket in the mail.  Caught speeding?  Photo with license and radar reading.  Ticket in the mail and text to a number associated with the license.  Cross the center line recklessly?  Onboard sensor notices, car gives you 15 seconds to pull over before cutting power.  We could have way less traffic stops without losing enforcement...  We had to explain to Gib5on what the protests are about.  I am not sure what the depth of his understanding might be at this age.  I hope by the time Sabian is the same age there won't be a reason to explain...  I am in a Facebook spat with a friend about the nature of the infection curve for COVID.  He seems to believe that the rise in cases is about a rise in testing.  The news I watch says otherwise.  But even if it is I'm not sure that means it is ok to loosen up the behavior restrictions...  I had a conversation with one of our Docs about our summer bubble.  He seemed to think that as long as the Allegheny County numbers continue to trend the way they have been that we should be ok.  That's what I had thought...  My boss says our new director of recruitment is going to work hard on diversifying the student cohort at work.  I think they are really over matched there.  We need a network, not a person; and that network can't serve multiple masters...  I know the police unions say that administrative hurdles are counterindicated as a way to modify behavior - that you don't want someone in a shoot/don't shoot situation to even have a part of their mind thinking about he additional paperwork.  There needs to be a way we can have both... 

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