Saturday, June 06, 2020


The thing about trying to write every day is that you have to write every day...  The Facebook post is still running on.  Petered out a little today.  Still pretty nice though - over 130 comments...  I missed a meeting on Monday that I was invited to but didn't notice the significance of.  I think I may have been conspicuous in my absence...  Being home like this has really boosted my online shopping tempo.  It might be time to go cold turkey...  The bike is coming.  I bought a helmet (a cheap one to get started).  I still need a lock.  In other news the store I was hoping might be helpful apparently closed this week forever...  We did our second Rita's trip of the summer today.  It gave me the opportunity to order a child's strawberry margarita.  The clerk didn't think it was nearly as humorous as I did...  It is possible we'll make a real dent in the basement over the next 10 days.  It is likely that will also feed my shopping disorder...  I went to my office today.  It was really sleepy.  There was a CMU Police Officer in the lobby.  I'm not entirely sure why...  Gib5on got himself signed up with an online Pokemon account.  He was maybe a little too excited.  It also required me to get an online Pokemon account.  I was not nearly as excited...  The Program Formerly Known as Drama Precollege is about a month out.  I should probably come up with a plan for my class.  I have to hone down what I previously did in 24 sessions into 8.  I think I can handle 8...  There was a demonstration at Bakery Square today.  Pictures showed that social distancing was not really possible.  I think we'd like to be involved but with Sabian it feels like a mistake...  I've been doing an online rigging workshop, as an attendee not an instructor.  My name does appear to get mentioned a lot though.  At least I seem to get "someone's been looking at your profile" notifications from LinkedIn after each session.  I guess maybe I should update my LinkedIn profile...  Between COVID and the protests there doesn't seem to be much room on the newscasts for other things.  There must be other things going on though...  I had another crazy dream last night.  I've forgotten the details.  If I want to remember I should probably put a pad on the nightstand...  I know "ellipses..." aren't the greatest posts, but I am trying to maintain a tempo.  I thought of two real posts today.  Maybe I will try to bank up a few weeks worth and really do some actual writing here eventually.  Or then again maybe I won't...

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