Monday, June 22, 2020


After a few days of really diminished case numbers, Pittsburgh bounced back to 45 new cases today.  Let's hop that was just because folks decided to wait until Monday to go to the doc...  Sabian has the bruise on her cheek.  Waiting for it to heal really makes us anxious...  My summer classes are like 2 weeks away.  Somehow June always just slips by without notice.  It really highlights the need to actually go away while I'm off.  Oh, wait...  There are lots of really interesting proposals for innovative curriculum for the fall.  I wonder if people will enroll in it given the choice...  I keep getting emails from Senate candidates in Kentucky as if they already have the nomination.  For the record, my donations are really about the general, not the primary...  The fine folks at Uncles Sam's have made me violently ill twice in a row now.  Since the business isn't being closed by the health department I am left to wonder what they have changed in their process that has uncovered a food allergy for me...  We're still waiting for the HBOMAX app on the Roku.  It is almost enough to get us to buy an AppleTV device...  It looks like we're going to have some work done on the house this week.  We'd discovered something they messed up on the bathroom renovation last spring.  Only just now getting to the repair.  I guess it is nice that it didn't turn out to be an emergency...  Today was a soup day and I am so, so, so hungry.  I hope that being hungry is a sign that the diet is working.  No reason to assume so though.  I was pretty much never hungry the first time around...  Do you have recommendations on a reasonably priced office chair?  Now that Mrs. TANBI and I are working from home and spending so much time in these seats we are considering making an upgrade...  Kentucky has an election tomorrow and one of their polling sites covers 600,000 voters.  The KY Secretary of State should have to man that election desk...  I stayed in all day today, except for like 30 minutes.  During that 30 minutes there was a torrential downpour.  That was not the most beneficial scheduling of my day...  Gib5on likes to cheat while playing Pokemon.  If you are playing cards with him I advise you to have him shuffle the cards in your view.  He's a crafty one...  My bike came today.  I was too laid up to assemble it.  Soon...

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