Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Yesterday's post was the first truly substantive thing I have posted here in quite some time...  We call the expanded bubble we've created "Camp Corona."  If I can find a package of iron on transfers I may make up some t-shirts...  We landed a Bob double stroller for free off of Nextdoor.  On its own that probably justifies whatever time I've put into that site...  I can't decide who to follow on Instagram.  Is it supposed to be more like Facebook or more like Twitter?  And who should I follow on Twitter anyway?  And why had Facebook become so much less about friends and so much more about Groups?  Isn't that what LinkedIn is for?  Maybe it is time to declare social media bankruptcy...  My email archiving continues.  I've created a new folder for my workflow.  I now have a "triage" folder.  It goes someplace between Inbox and ToDo...  I put a prompt up on Facebook that has over 200 comments.  I feel so successful.  That's a problem...  I've been to Lowe's twice this week.  I should probably do some kind of project to justify that...  There was another D&I town hall tonight.  More and more questions.  Not too many solutions.  We'll have to keep working...  Gib5on has an iPod Touch but he doesn't know about it.  Let's not tell him...  Now that there's been one Bagel post I need to decide if there should be a dozen more...  I've pretty much stopped watching MSNBC at night.  Lately I've just listened to them on the Echo while I do stuff like this.  The content doesn't lose much for not having pictures...  I think Costume Production people are going to find up being banned from the #NFTRW Podcast.  It isn't up to me, but I will be disappointed if that's what happens...  The "CrowdSource" class for the fall might have almost reached critical mass.  Hopefully that will turbocharge it into something really cool...  There are now 16 TANBI idea post-its at my desk.  And yet here I am again doing an Ellipses...  I almost bought a screwdriver today but I really don't need another screwdriver, even if the bit storage on it is pretty cool.  I did buy SAE and metric 3/8 drive hex keys.  The assembly instructions for the soon to arrive bike seem to require them...  It took two days but someone picked up the outgoing USPS package I had.  Or maybe someone stole it.  If that's what it was they will be disappointed...  I finished the Sunny Randal book I've been reading for like forever.  Next up it looks like I'll be moving on the the prequel book from the CBS Picard series...  This week should show significant progress in the basement fit out.  Maybe I'll take some pictures...

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