Tuesday, June 09, 2020


I now have 14 post-its on my desk with topics for blog posts that are not Ellipses.  I just have to, you know, write them...  Yesterday I went out with Gib5on and forgot to take masks for either of us.  An earlier version of me anticipated this and had masks stashed in the car...  I am experimenting with making a zero calorie snack option.  It is a zero calorie frozen snack, so I think it might actually be negative calories - exercising by snacking...  There's a list of students that want to TA for the program formerly known as precollege, but I think it is possible they won't get cleared in time...  Moving the humidifier only helped a little bit.  We might need to research a quieter dehumidifier...  "Defund" is a good sound bite, but it doesn't really say what they mean and is somewhat inflammatory.  There's a lot of education necessary to go with that language...  When I was cleaning the garage today I found another box of N95 masks.  I wonder how many boxes there are in how many garages around the country...  The clock I had in my office that I recently brought home has apparently had an alarm set for 12:26 AM for like forever.  I never know because thankfully I am rarely in my office at 12:26 AM.  I heard it at home though.  Now I wish I could figure out how to turn it off...  Costco has Ramen that is less than 300 calories per pack.  That's an important find for me...  It occurs to me that during this time of tumult my Melissa Etheridge fanclub membership has probably lapsed.  When you get to be of a certain age they should offer you a lifetime membership.  Maybe for the price of five years...  Last night I screwed up and wound up laying awake well past a reasonable hour.  I made some real headway in my book though...  The new Netflix Ghost in the Shell has lead me to older Ghost in the Shell.  I guess soon I will be looking for the Ghost in the Shell movie...  Today was bubble widening day in our household.  It came off without problems, although it is in the nature of the thing that a problem wouldn't be apparent for another two weeks.  Check in with me then...

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