More taping, more painting...

It's starting to come together, we think. The layout for the taping was made 1000 times easier by having a self leveling laser (unfortunately a tool I already owned or I would have used this as an excuse to buy one). We both seem to have a little color in the lines trouble, so we'll have to go over some small mistakes with the field color again.
In today's impromptu production meeting we discussed 2" wooden plantation blinds in the foreground color for the window, and whether we think we have time to take up the carpet during this little blitz. Have to keep an eye on "the line."
Do you think I could get product placement money from Lowes for that picture?
you could try calling and asking, but I'm guessing that the gatekeepers on the phone will prevent you from ever saying hello to the person who could authorize the check.
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