Saturday, January 15, 2005

Say What?

With this past weeks end for the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it seems appropriate to go back and look at what our leaders told us. Some snippetts of that can be found here: Zac Attack.

Let us not forget the best quote - which isn't on his page:

"The President doesn't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud" - Condoleeza Rice

I bet that tested well at some marketing firm.

I've said before that I thought we were getting a royal sales job in the run up. Perhaps because this turned out to be such a costly misdirection people will have their heads up for the next time. John Stewart has posited that someone in the administration is bound to come up with: "Since there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they must be hiding in another country."

Don't be snowed when they tell us which country they'd like to go look in next. And don't let the same kind of rhetoric fool you regarding social security or the tax code. These people are weasels.

I think I will add Zac as a blog I read. I've been back there a few times now. He's got a nice news sensibility.

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