You know, I really had trouble enjoying BSG tonight because I knew it was the season finale and in a sort of Sopranos move the next season doesn't begin for quite some time.
Still, it was nice to see Cara again. I'm feeling more and more on target about my Lords of Cobol prediction. It's all going to be all right. Yup, that's what she would say.
Kudos to Stevie for hitting the nail on the head:
I'm on my way home from the office for the BSG season finale.And then I got a couple in my answer...
Want to go on record with predictions and see what happens?
Here's mine:
Tigh, Anders and Tory are cylons
The song is "all along the watchtower"
Baltar is acquitted.
I too picked Tory as a Cylon last week. Maybe we should write TV instead of lawyering and professoring. Maybe not.It isn’t Anders voice saying “we’re all cylons,” it’s the chief...
I think they will only give four out of five...
I'm ok with the Cylon sleepers. If I could live with Boomer I can live with these four, although Tigh is a bit of a stretch. But seeing as how they didn't know, maybe it doesn't so much matter. There's always the possibility that they actually aren't Cylons too. Nothing that they've experienced is particularly tied to being a Cylon, just sort of about being unbalanced. Maybe they're also being called by the Gods and they've just interpreted it incorrectly.
The music was a nice plot device, but I was jarred a little by the implementation - especially with it being an actual, contemporary song. It just didn't seem to fit for someone on the show to be quoting Dylan lyrics. But then, in an earlier season they made a Seinfeld joke and I thought it was cool, so maybe my opinion isn't totally formed in this area.
They had to acquit Baltar otherwise there was really no place to go. I don't think anyone in the fleet could have hid him if he had been guilty and I don't think anyone would buy him going back with the Cylons - unless he did turn out to be one of the five which at the moment seems improbable. I was thinking maybe they'd weasel out with a mistrial, but this conclusion is better. And with him being spirited away they probably have a good mechanism to keep him involved. All in all fairly clever.
I hope Adama voting for Baltar's acquittal is enough to cool the jets on the blossoming flirtation between him and the President. Really I can do without that plot.
They gave us a doozey of a season cliffhanger. Giant Cylon fleet, Lee re-upping, cylon Sleepers, the President, Boomer, and Six sharing dreams, Gaius being hidden, Cara coming back with a way to Earth (and possibly the "bright white light" aliens from the original series) - all things too look forward to.