Sunday, March 11, 2007

Post #1000 Ellipses

Following in the footsteps of many of my friends, I now begin my own exercise in web publishing. I hope those who read it, if anyone reads it, are in some small way entertained.

I have for quite a while been thinking that I would like to have a column of sorts. I guess now we will see if it is truly a good idea. What will follow will undoubtedly be an overtelling of the minutiae of my life and a shouting of my completely biased and largely uninformed opinion. It should be fun. Hopefully I will at least remember to spellcheck.
... and 1,000 posts later... I am totally, I mean totally out of clothes. All thats left are retired t-shirts and jeans with holes that when I was younger and thinner might have been cool but are now just sad, and maybe gross. An outfit for work tomorrow may be interesting... I woke up today with what appears to be a sprained ankle. Is it possible that the reason I have been waking up tired is that I am playing tennis in my sleep or something? Oh well, ice, elevation, and Vitamin I for me... I am caught up on L Word. It's been too hard to watch on Sunday what with BG and everything. I don't think I care for the Poppi, Kit storyline... When shopping for furniture it is best to know what you want when you enter the store, and not to drift. A chair and perhaps a dresser can rapidly morph into a new bedroom set otherwise - to say nothing of a set of luggage, a new phone, and a table top lathe... Mid semester grades are due Monday. Before then I have to grade a rigging exam, two Basic PTM projects, and get together all the stagecraft grades. I've said it before and I will say it again, the worst part about giving assignments is that you have to grade them... I am still hoping Starbuck isn't dead. I am not sure I will be able to sustain the feeling until I find out one way or the other... I am thinking of hiring a project manager for our house. I need someone to get bids for various projects and it feels too much like work for either me or Mrs. TANBI. If interested, apply by email... I thought Peg's computer was down. I was wrong... I wonder if Carrie is back in the states... I think winter is over in Pittsburgh, we appear to be into our rainy season. It will now rain until June... Would it be a bad thing to go to a conference and not go to the conference? Perhaps I will try to find out... Yesterday I saw a thing about making a paper longer by making the periods bigger. I can only imagine what that would do to an ellipses post... My daily blog reading cycle is getting out of control. It may really be time to solve the feedreader thing... There was something wrong with the Portuguese on my GPS. So I went online to fix it. Really I am not sure why... Today I realized I had gone to Chicago and totally forgot to call the president of my fan club. Very scatterbarined of me... Next week I should get to see a bunch of cool people. I hope I don't miss any... Robinson was mobbed today. Maybe instead of shopping we should have gone to the Carnegie... I think maybe at spring break all the students should stay at school and the professors should get to go to Daytona... Attention Burglars: We are home, those phonebooks are just waterlogged, and we look things up on the internet... I finished Timothy Zahn's "Allegiance." It's a fairly good read, although I'd gotten used to Mara as part of the Rebellion, and try as I may it is hard to see Stormtroopers as good guys... It may turn out that Bean is a mean cat. Maybe we should have taken the hint when we noticed he was eating everyone else's food... The "Dusted Chipole BBQ" wings at Quaker State are better than the "Parmesan Garlic" wings, but the fresh pretzels are better than the sliders... Just how many of these little quips will people actually read? No way to tell really...

1 comment:

Katy said...

Carrie is back in the states.