Sunday, October 17, 2004

Unhappy With Election Coverage?

Then check this out:

That'd be John Stewart on "Crossfire" taking the hosts to task on the absolute uselessness of their "debate" show. My favorite part is when the hosts start to complain about content on "The Daily Show", Stewart reminds them that the show before his is puppets making phony phone calls.

If you have cable, you should watch "The Daily Show." They've got some of the best criticism you're going to see on TV these days. Every now and then they go really far afield, but for the most part they really hit the nail on the head.

I'm really very encouraged as far as this year's election by the fact that the book "America (the book)" has been the number one best seller. Now we just have to hope that everyone that bought a book remembers to vote.

By the way, Stewart is dead on target in his critique during his appearance. I'm uncertain he will be asked back.

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