Ever hear something that says that if one thing is true then another must be true? People often make a big deal that just because the two things are always paired it doesn't mean that one causes the other. While that's all well and good I think that the coincidental, but consistent pairing of things could be useful. For instance, I think that the world can tell the eventual success or failure of a political movement, or of a nation, through observation of some fairly inconsequential behavior.
Like this... If the people in your movement often gather around firing guns randomly into the air, it seems that history argues that you and your compatriots will ultimately fail.
With telltales like this, the UN Security Council or some other group could be in charge of monitoring and then ultimately stifling or bringing down groups that will in the end just be a waste of time for the world.
Any government who's leader is referred to as "supreme" anything. Supreme Commander, Supreme Leader, Supreme Dude, whatever - ultimately bound for the trash heap of history.
I like the idea because it divorces the intervention from any real political issue. It doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not, you just know that because they are doing this thing that before the final words are written they will fail. Could make the decisions quite a bit easier, more like medicine. Nobody ever cares if you like the wart or not, when you have a wart you get rid of it. We so often get bogged down internationally over ideology. This way the ideology is moot. Who cares if they are right or wrong? Eventually they fail and we'll all be better for simply fast forwarding past the experiment.
If in your cities, or in parades there are often larger than life pictures of your leader (I just bet he's called the "supreme" something) your movement or government is doomed.
Think of it as international ideological euthanasia. Its not ending the movement, its ending the inevitable pain of a protracted death. Maybe we could get Kevorkian to head up the committee.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Social Meta Science
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11:42 PM
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If your organization/movement forbids marrying outsiders, you will ultimately die out.
If your movement has a large youth movement, things will not go well.
If you have an isolated group, without marrying into the group to get new blood, over time, you will have a lot of six-fingered dwarves.
If your religion involves accumulation of weapons to rival a National Guard unit, eventually you will have a real National Guard unit to contend with.
Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in WWII.
That worked out pretty well.
NATO uses "Supreme Allied Commander." I think Wesley Clark was the NATO Supreme Allied Commander for a while...
Just saying...
I think in both those cases the "supreme" is several words into a much longer designation and that in each case their actual title is simply "General"
I think
"General" is the rank. Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force was Eisenhower's title in WWII. Colin Powell was "General" but also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I'm being difficult, I know.
Eisenhower was a pretty amazing guy, though. He started out as Commanding General of the US troops in the ETO, then the Combined Chiefs of Staffs appointed him as the Commander in Chief, Allied Forces for the TORCH landings in North Africa in '42. As Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, he commanded the landings in Italy and Sicily and got the Italians to surrender. In '43 the Combined Chiefs named him the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force for OVERLORD. He oversaw the demobilization of the active US army after the war and handled all kinds of political BS during the war and implementing the Marshall Plan and--
I'm insanely obsessed with military history for WWI and WWII. Check out the book "An Army at Dawn." It is MOST EXCELLENT.
Aside from Eisenhower and NATO, though, if you call yourself "Supreme" or "Dear" or "Beloved" chances are its to cover the fact that you are none of these things, you torture, kill, maim, oppress people and probably kick kittens for sport.
Kim Jong Il--isn't he "Dear Leader"? And his dad was "Beloved Father" or something? That's some weird, weird s**t.
OOOOH! I just looked and my word verification is actually "fatwa"! That's weird, too.
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